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Games like Raid Shadow Legends

Looking for games like Raid Shadow Legends for your iPhone, iPad and Android device? Follow this article to find out the games like Raid Shadow Legends that are available for free.

RAID Shadow Legends is a dynamic action game with RPG elements, where you will become a part of insane events, difficult trials and imminent dangers on the way to a given goal. 

You need to create your own powerful and invincible army, with which you can resist any force of evil. We have compiled the 5 best games that are like Raid Shadow Legends below.

5 Best Games like Raid Shadow Legends

Here is our list of 5 best games that are similar to Raid Shadow Legends available for free to download for Android and iOS:

1. King’s Raid

The game composition is a typical mobile RPG like Raid Shadow Legends. In this game, you enter a stage in the form of a dungeon and proceed. Each character is classified into one of seven unique occupation groups, and the current rating is displayed by the number of stars for each character. The biggest advantage of this game is the character full of personality and 3D modeling which is a very high level for mobile games. 

Game Information:

TitleKing’s Raid
PublisherVespa Inc.
GenreRole Playing Game
File SizeAndroid: 103 MB iOS: 348 MB
DownloadPlay Store App Store
Also Read: Games like Homescapes

2. Age of Magic

It’s a turn-based RPG, but looking at the characters alone, it feels like watching a Warcraft-type game. Simply go through a tutorial on combat and learn how to train and equip your hero. Heroes of the Age of Magic can strengthen their companions and weaken their enemies. The Age of Magic game is quite difficult. There will be some users who give up in the beginning, and you will be able to immerse yourself more and more by stimulating your desire to compete.

Game Information:

TitleAge of Magic
PublisherPlaykot Limited
GenreRole Playing Game
File SizeAndroid: 100 MB iOS: 321 MB
DownloadPlay Store App Store

3. Summoners War

Summoners War is an action-packed fantasy RPG with over 100 million Summoners around the world. The battle is turn-based and attack by selecting 3 skills. If you are quick, you can act continuously. Collect as many monsters as you can and assemble the greatest team to defeat the boss. Enhance the power of your Monsters with Artifacts and the numerous properties that Artifacts possess.

Game Information:

TitleSummoners war
PublisherCom2uS Corp
GenreRole Playing Game
File SizeAndroid: 85 MB iOS: 157 MB
DownloadPlay Store App Store
Also Read: Games Like Rise of Kingdoms

4. Shadowgun legends

Shadowgun Legend is an RPG shooter with PvP developed by MADFINGER Games. The graphics are quite realistic and unlike other FPS games, there is also a function that blurs the side screen when aiming at the right angle. Save humanity from an alien invader in an epic Story Campaign spanning over 200+ missions on 4 diverse planets. Join forces with friends and defeat giant enemy bosses and get rewarded for how you play the game.

Game Information:

TitleShadowgun legends
PublisherMADFINGER Games
GenreRole Playing Game
File SizeAndroid: 62 MB iOS: 1.3 GB
DownloadPlay Store App Store

5. Exos Heroes

Exos Heroes is a turn-based role-playing gacha game like Raid Shadow Legends, which can be played on mobile for free. Become the captain of an ancient airship and go in search of the ancient sword of the emperor. You have to explore the most remote and dangerous corners of the map, face many hostile creatures who only want to feast on you. Fight legendary monsters for equally legendary treasures that will make your character many times stronger.

Game Information:

TitleExos Heroes
PublisherLINE Games
GenreRole Playing Game
File SizeAndroid: 81 MB iOS: 698 MB
DownloadPlay Store App Store
Also Read: Games like Idle Heroes

There you have it our list of games similar to Raid Shadow Legends in 2024 Android and iOS (iPhone/iPad) mobile devices. Let us know what you guys think about our list of games like Raid Shadow Legends and don’t forget to mention your top picks in the comment section below.

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