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Games like Wordscapes for Android & iOS

Looking for games like Wordscapes for your iPhone, iPad, and Android device? Follow this article to find out the games like Wordscapes that are available for free.

Wordscapes is the word hunt game developed by PeopleFun, Inc. There are more than 10 million people who just can’t stop playing. It’s a perfect fit for people who love word find games and crossword puzzles. Challenge your brain and vocabulary with over 6,000 levels along with gorgeous landscapes you can visit to relax.

5 Best Games like Wordscapes

Here is our list of 5 best games that are similar to Wordscapes available for free to download for Android and iOS:

1. Crossword Jam

Crossword Jam is a free-to-play word search game like Wordscapes. This game offers you daily fresh word challenges that make you think harder. It is easy to learn but gets trickier as you progress. The game mechanics are simple you have to just swipe and connect the letters to find the words and boost your vocabulary. Solve puzzles and go on an epic word journey that will take you to breathtaking natural sceneries. You can play the Crossword Jam game even when you are offline(No internet or Wi-Fi required).

Game Information:

TitleCrossword Jam
PublisherPlaySimple Games
GenreWord Game
File SizeAndroid: 83 MB iOS: 130 MB
DownloadPlay Store App Store
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2. Word Connect

Word Connect is another game designed to train your brain and learn new words. This game is similar to Worscapes, to play just simply swipe the letter blocks and build words to collect coins. The game offers 11508 levels and many game modes like normal mode, crossword mode and the daily challenge. Find extra words to collect bigger bonuses and Log in every day to collect big bonuses. Play Together with your friends and family and solve the puzzles. Word Connect game allows you to play anytime, anywhere even without a network connection.

Game Information:

TitleWord Connect
PublisherZenLife Games
GenreWord Game
File SizeAndroid: 98 MB iOS: 231 MB
DownloadPlay Store App Store

3. Word Bliss

Word Bliss is the ticket for your brain to go on a fun yet peaceful journey while getting better at your wordplay, Ward off boredom and welcome tranquility playing this classic word link game that will test your puzzle solving skills, vocabulary, and spelling. As you move up the levels, each picture path will match the emotion you are on. If you get stuck at any level, use Shuffle or Hints to help yourself out.

Game Information:

TitleWord Bliss
PublisherPlaySimple Games
GenreWord Game
File SizeAndroid: 76 MB iOS: 179 MB
DownloadPlay Store App Store
Also Read: Games like Homescapes

4. Word Cookies

Word Cookies is an addictive cross between all the word games you love. With many exciting challenges, you’ll soon be obsessed with testing your spelling and vocabulary limits. It is highly entertaining & educational for everyone with more than 2000+ levels. There are no time limits so play at your own pace. Play daily to earn more bonus rewards. Word Cookies is free to play but you can pay for extra hints or to remove ads.

Game Information:

TitleWord Cookies
GenreWord Game
File SizeAndroid: 55 MB iOS: 232 MB
DownloadPlay Store App Store

5. Word Life – Crossword puzzle

Word Life is a free crossword and anagrams game similar to Wordscapes. Hunt and connect letters to spell words in this relaxing vocabulary game. This game offers more than 6000 levels to get your daily dose of brain training for free. Build word stacks to win prizes and hints with relaxing word scapes at every level. Learn and collect fun facts with your friends anywhere in the world.

Game Information:

TitleWord Life – Crossword puzzle
GenreWord Game
File SizeAndroid: 101 MB iOS: 392 MB
DownloadPlay Store App Store
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There you have it our list of games similar to Wordscapes in 2024 Android and iOS (iPhone/iPad) mobile devices. Let us know what you guys think about our list of games like Wordscapes. Please don’t forget to mention your top picks in the comment section below.

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